First, what are prebiotics?
Prebiotics shouldn’t be confused with probiotics (known as good bacteria for your gut). While probiotics help you maintain a healthy digestive tract and prevent gut diseases, prebiotics is non-digestible compounds that help probiotics grow and thrive, so they can continue to keep your gut healthy. Prebiotics are compounds in food that induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.
Studies suggest In order to promote and maximize a healthy gut, you should eat 3-5 grams daily. Here are a few prebiotic-rich foods:
- Mushrooms
- Chicory Root
- Dandelion Greens
- Artichokes
- Jicama
- Potato Skins
- Avocado
- Applecider Vinegar
- Onions
- Scallions
- Peas
- Soy Beans
- Sprouted Grians
- Leaks
- Garlic
- Whole Wheat
- Chives
- Wheat Germ
We feed our healthy gut bacteria through probiotics—both via eating the right foods and the right fiber intake. However, each of us has a different microbiome (due to our genes, diet, geographical location, and daily exposure) responsive to different probiotic cultures — Acidophilus, Lactobacillus, and the Bifidobacteria, being the most important to cultivate a diverse and healthy microbiome environment.
People with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or other stomach sensitivities are encouraged to speak to their local Registered Dietitian (RDN) for more in-depth personalized understanding.